The Bayonetta saga begins in 2009 , the hack'n'slash conceived by Hideki Kamiya and developed by PlatinumGames initially arrived on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360

The title was particularly well received, to the point of being called one of the best action titles released in the same year by Play Generation . Despite the excellent sales data, the publisher SEGA has chosen not to invest in the sequel: for this reason Bayonetta 2 was published by Nintendo exclusively for Wii U in the2014 and four years later it also arrived on Nintendo Switch.

For the third chapter dedicated to the witch of the same name, the wait was particularly long: the launch of Bayonetta 3 took place this October 28th after eight years from the second title as an exclusive videogame for Nintendo Switch , conquering excellent votes from both critics and fans: according to the Japanese magazine Famitsu , the title would be particularly close to the perfect score . The developers therefore took the opportunity to explain the reasons behind the long creation of the title: the writer Hideki Kamiya, the producer Yuyi Nakao and Makoto Okazaki of Nintendospoke of Bayonetta 3 's long gestation in a recent issue of Famitsu .

For Bayonetta 3, the team never stopped and wanted to continue to expand the project without affecting the quality.

According to Kamiya and Miyata , things did not go exactly according to plan due to all the content the team wanted to include in the game. Nakao said the team never stopped not because they didn't know how to continue in the gameplay , but for the exact opposite: the developers have chosen to include mechanics that were originally unplanned . Okazaki explained that thanks to the PlatinumGames team, the quality and quantity of the game's content has definitely exceeded expectations. From the chat it emerges that Kamiya himselfhe would have asked the team if they weren't already working on too much material: needless to say the developers said no and then continued to add more.

Finally, Kamiya himself wanted to bring back some of the creatures present in the first Bayonetta and therefore they were included so as not to ignore his request: the game director explained that having worked intensely on the first chapter, he is now particularly fond of the demons present.

The development of Bayonetta 3 was therefore decidedly challenging in various respects: the effort was rewarded by the votes and the warm welcome from the fans, despite the initial boycott attempt by the original voice actress of the Witch . Finally, during the interview the entire team took the opportunity to say that they will be forever grateful to Nintendo for the work they have been able to do.

Source: Nintendo everything