Unless you decide to face Bayonetta 3 on the lowest difficulties, you will have to discover all the secrets of the combat system to survive the hordes of demons that will put a spoke in the wheels. In this regard, we have prepared some useful tips for you to master the combat system of the exclusive Switch.

Temporal Sabbat

The first advice regarding the Bayonetta 3 combat system cannot fail to be linked to the use of the Temporal Sabbat . This particular game mechanic, which can be activated by pressing the dedicated dodge button (ZR) , allows the player to perform a special move when the action is scored with perfect timing. In this case, the area surrounding the protagonist turns purple and time passes slowly for everyone except the character under the player's control., who can take advantage of it to unleash all his fury on the enemy. If you want to make the most of this mechanic, our advice is to memorize the exact moment in which to press the button with the various enemy attacks, so as to induce them to attack and activate the Temporal Sabbat at your leisure. By doing this, any fight will be easy for you.

Dodging doesn't interrupt combos

While executing a long key combination you may need to dodge to avoid an oncoming attack or to switch targets. In this regard, know that there is a practical trick to make sure that this action does not interrupt your flow of attacks: when you want to make a dodge, hold down the combo button while performing the action and then continue with the rest. of the series of shots.

Aerial combos

Another important technique to use to get the better of the opposing creatures in Bayonetta 3 is the execution of aerial combos. While using different key combinations, each weapon in the game has moves that throw the enemy into the air and then allow the protagonist to reach him and continue to party without touching the ground. In addition to being a way to repeatedly hit monsters without them being able to react, aerial combos are also useful since it is more difficult for the remaining enemies to annoy you while you are in midair .

Snap attack

Among the attacks that should not be underestimated in Bayonetta 3 we find the snap attack, which can make the difference in any fight. It often happens to eliminate an enemy or to suffer a hard blow and then find yourself at long distances from another target and the dash attack comes into play in situations like this. The activation of this technique causes the protagonist to throw herself violently on the opponent , reaching him in a few moments and inflicting a lot of damage. Know that all weapons have this special ability, although this must be unlocked by purchasing it on the appropriate screen.

Succubus Demon

Whether it's Cheshire , Viola's trusted ally, or one of the monsters summoned by the Witch of Umbra, the Succubi Demons are incredibly useful in Bayonetta 3, as they allow the player to damage groups of enemies without any particular problems. However, you should know that this game mechanic should not be abused, since every time a summon takes damage it loads an indicator near its icon which, once reached 100%, causes the beast to enter a sort of rage mode . 

Our advice is to summon the monster before this happens, as once you are in a rage the demon will no longer be under your control and its attacks could hit you .