The launch of Elden Ring took place in February, in just a few months the title developed by FromSoftware has sold 16.6 million copies, thus generating a substantial profit.

The proceeds could therefore allow FromSoftware to publish the video games autonomously even outside of Japan: we remind you that for what concerns the distribution outside the Rising Sun , the development studio has always relied on other publishers, such as Bandai Namco for Elden Ring and previously for the Dark Souls trilogy . Now the situation could change thanks to all the success of the title : the financial report of the Kodakawa group , a company that deals with FromSoftware is clear: the videogame directed by Hidataka Miyazaki has generated a profit of the 1,116.8% more than ten times more than last year in the same quarter. The 2022 income amounts to 7,592 yen , about 51,785 million dollars, against 623 million yen last year.

Elden Ring has therefore brought an important profit for FromSoftware

Meanwhile Sony and Tencent after the great success of Elden Ring have bought 30% of the shares of FromSoftware in total, this will allow developers to invest even more in creating new titles that can have the same success as Elden Ring.

Since the launch, fans have begun to wonder when a DLC for the video game could arrive: the dataminers analyzing the latest update available have found a string of code that seems to anticipate the inclusion of one or more additional contents. According to what has been leaked, arenas could be added for PVP . At the moment the information remains only a rumor, we will have to wait for the news that can officially confirm the arrival of the DLC . In the meantime, this patch has fixed several bugs and made changes in the balancing system.

Source: Nichegamer