
Blizzard is not going through its prime lately, especially with the loss of talent, the latest being Jeff Kaplan, a veteran in the studio and director of both Overwatch and its sequel, still in development. But, against all odds, Overwatch gets 10 million players in 2020 , without the need to offer new content like game modes or characters.

We have learned this information thanks to an interview published in Gamespot with the current director of Overwatch 2, Aaron Keller. In his words: " We have 60 million players who love this part of the game and are attached to the PVP part of the game ," according to Keller. The data collected in 2019 is that Overwatch had 50 million players, so the growth in the number of players has been immense , all this taking into account that Blizzard only added the 6 typical events each year.

Overwatch gets 10 million players in 2020

Keep in mind that, for example, Overwatch was free for a time in 2020, and it sure helped the number of players to grow. Nor should we detract from the title, Overwatch is a game with very solid foundations and that, with friends, the experience improves a lot.