
The success of Outriders has been remarkable in most of the platforms, and little by little People Can Fly is tackling the problems that have arisen with different updates. Once significant stability was gained on the servers, they focused on the game. Outriders receives a new update to correct errors and balance the game, based largely on the feedback from users of the different platforms on which it was released.

Please pay attention to the update notes posted on the reddit forums, which list the bugs, bugs, and fixes that have been made for this update. After the major bugs have been fixed, this update addresses many smaller bugs, as well as attempts to fix some crashes that kept occurring. 

The list of errors shown in the notes is very complete, serving all platforms, saving in those cases that it is specified that it is a specific error. Attempts have been made to correct issues with matchmaking and game stability , where some disconnections and matchups continued to occur that did not proceed.

In the specific case of Xbox, we have proceeded to correct the error that caused the game to lose functionality after logging out or disconnecting from the internet, as well as the problems with joining games with matchmaking open in random. A problem that also occurred when trying to connect games and that resolved with the message «Internet connection error». But the work seems to also meet a general demand when encountering problems when facing its action , balancing the damage of weapons, the effect of some abilities and, even, the behavior and damage that some enemies do.

To know the state of the game, of its servers. A website has been set up that claims to be active and updated immediately. If you have any questions about the problems that occur in the game, by way of the Xbox Live Status service, you have this page with the Status of OutridersAfter all this work, it could be that the next step consists in starting to energize the action, in putting events, even in developing those possible content expansions that many are waiting for.