Marvel Rivals game director Guangyun Chen shared with journalists plans for further development of the game. As it turned out, the studio is going to continue releasing one season every three months. At the same time, each season will be divided into two parts, and in each of them, gamers will be waiting for new heroes.
The choice of characters will depend on the theme of the update, but the developers promise to take into account gamers' feedback:
Our hero choices will be driven by the overall gameplay or theme we want to create for each season. That being said, we've seen a lot of feedback on future seasons, starting with the first one, and we'll be sure to take that into account when introducing new heroes and make sure everyone is heard and excited.
Right now, Marvel Rivals is in the first half of Season 1, which has added Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman from the Fantastic Four. The Thing and the Human Torch will be coming to the game in February.