Forza Horizon 4

Everything leads us to believe that Steam users had been waiting for a long time anxiously for Forza Horizon 4 to finally debut on the Valve platform, there is no other explanation, because since its debut the Playground Games title is at the top of the record podium in both concurrent users and sales.

Although the production dates from 2018, the game arrived on Steam a short time ago and had already appeared in the list of best sellers but last week it returned to repeat according to what was exposed by the SteamDB site and is located in position two of the that raised the most in the week.

The Forza Horizon 4 Ranking Companions

The list with the best-selling games is a curiosity that varies from week to week and is something worth analyzing to see how not only the market but also the users behave. For example, in position 9 appears for the first time Stronghold: Warlords , the new installment of the RTS of the franchise that seems to be working very well among players.

The eighth place is obtained by Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, which despite having been released several years ago saw an unexpected resurgence in sales, a feature that it shares with Metro Exodus, which is in position 10 and was given away by Steam this week. It should be noted that this week there were significant reductions in both productions, which undoubtedly affected this ranking.

The rest of the list does not include major surprises with the already well - known Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in seventh position, Tale of Immortal in six, Loop Hero descends to number three and Valheim continues to be the undisputed leader of the table.