Ninja Gaiden

When a saga is old enough to have its roots in the golden age of 8 bits, we know that we are facing a name of weight. Ninja Gaiden is synonymous with three things: difficulty, nostalgia and good action. After its reboot back in 2004 and its turn towards titles like Bayonetta, the franchise also managed to win over another audience. Team Ninja recently announced Ninja Gaiden Master Collection that it will be the compilation of that new trilogy adapted with all the best for the new generation of consoles.

The followers of the saga have been asking for a new IP game for a long time and this compilation may appease everyone's desire to see Ryu Hayabusa in action again in his plan to recover the Dark Dragon sword to avenge his clan.

Ninja Gaiden Master Collection will be action, difficulty and more than 60 FPS

The game is planned to reach several consoles but those who enjoy production on PC or Xbox Series (through backward compatibility) will be able to play in 4k Ultra HD and more than 60 frames per second, according to what the portal reports. from Microsoft since, apparently, Ninja Gaiden Master Collection will be one of the titles that will make use of the FPS Boost in Xbox Series along with many others .At the moment the arrival of this collection is announced to arrive on June 10 to Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch and PS4.