
 A look at the performance of the Outriders demo on PC| The new generation has just begun and with this we have one of the most important moments in the video game industry, since with this new hardware it is expected that the first games that take full advantage of it and give experiences like never before will finally arrive.

Although we already have some news such as The Falcooner, the new Assassin's Creed or the adaptation of Gears 5, many more are expected to arrive throughout these months, with Outriders being another important launch that we will see come to life in April.

This is the demo of Outriders on PC

While we wait for the moment of its arrival, a few days ago the demo of the title was officially launched on all available platforms, thus being able to take a look at the performance in the new Xbox Series.

Although the demo looks good on consoles, there is still work to be polished before the full launch of Outriders, although this has also been tested on PC and certainly the result is also really good, something we can see in the gameplay published on YouTube that we leave you below, which can be seen as a quite superior version, although we surely have excellent and totally stable performance regardless of where it is played in the final version of the title.

Outriders looks very good and we really want to get our hands on it, something for which we will not have to wait too long, because next April we will be able to see the changes compared to what has been tested so far.