
 Every year we are having a new and increasing number of titles, since the market is not only for large productions, there are also a huge number of games carried by few people who hope to succeed in this sea that is the industry.

This means that every year we have unexpected surprises, both from well-known studios and small developers run by a very limited number of people and who usually have more difficulties when it comes to having some visibility.

Valheim Early Access Trailer Released

And it is that we have only been in 2021 for a month and a half and we have already found one of the first unexpected successes of the year, which is called Valheim, a new survival title that already has more than two million copies sold .

After having managed to stand out, it is expected that the title will continue to improve and progress with constant updates, since it is in early access on Steam , as shown in the launch trailer that was published a few hours ago and that leaves clear what we are going to find in the game.

Hopefully the success of Valheim will last a long time and that development continues with important updates so that the title is considered a finished project to leave early access.