
 Microsoft is going to start the new generation with a lot of force . The company not only comes with two consoles under its arm, Xbox Series X and Series S , it also does it with a good conglomerate of studios that grows with the purchase of Bethesda , and it may make another similar move. Several rumors indicate that Microsoft would be about to make a purchase similar to that of Bethesda this year , and it is not the first time something like this has been heard .

Xbox house plans to buy Bethesda-sized company

Although it had already been heard that Microsoft had something else on their hands , now the noise is accentuated. A user known as Ragnar , famous for leaking various company details in the past. Referring to a comment on forums in which it is alleged that the company has "a good number of acquisitions underway that have been negotiating for some time," he assures that he has heard something similar and that, probably, the announcement of one of these agreements is will do between the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 .

As indicated, the negotiations with Bethesda have been going on for about 3 years , although they have not yet been closed because the final agreement has yet to be signed. With these other video game companies, it would have required a similar time, which would indicate that they have been orchestrating a good growth strategy based on purchases for some time.