In referring to the latest video of Monster Hunter Wilds between mounts and desert monsters , Game Director Yuya Tokuda claimed that the new chapter of Capcom's hunting game will be able to push the hardware of the current generation consoles to the limit.

Speaking to, the representative of the Japanese development team that is shaping the next, highly anticipated episode of Capcom's role-playing action series explains that "ever since I joined the Monster Hunter team (in 2005 with MH Freedom , ed.), I have always been impressed by the world in which the chapters of this franchise are developed, it is an approach that is based on representing the Monster Hunter ecosystem in an increasingly convincing way , an ecosystem that is not limited to a simple roundup of boss fights but which allows the monsters to integrate and become a fundamental part of that universe" .

Having made these necessary clarifications, Tokuda focuses on the work he is carrying out to shape the dimension of Monster Hunter Wilds, explaining that "I have always known the direction I had to take to develop Monster Hunter. In all the games in the series that I have directed, I I'm always focused on the ecosystem and its evolution . It's an approach that has allowed me to make the most of the hardware specifications of the most current generations of consoles, in such a way as to represent an even more lively and convincing world on the screen . "

The constant push for innovation described by Tokuda will not be limited to the graphics sector but will also touch on aspects related to monsters, such as their representation and the characterization of the artificial intelligence responsible for managing their behavior during the hunts of MH Wilds: "By making the most of the most current hardware we can make the monsters' movements and attacks even more fluid, responsive and intelligent , by doing so we aim to give you an even higher level of immersion and realism . "