In recent days The Verge has talked about a re-release of Halo Combat Evolved in development for PC, Xbox Series.

According to reports, Halo Combat Evolved would be a remake and not a remaster , the goal would be to win over new players on PlayStation 5, hence the choice of a remake with new elements, additional content and different missions compared to the original.

343i Industries is reportedly developing the project alongside other outsourced studios and contract developers, while part of the team is reportedly working on the next Halo game . For this remake we are talking about a revised and modernized gameplay, furthermore apparently the re-release should only include the campaign while multiplayer would not be foreseen.

Halo Remake would be in the very early stages of development and still without a launch window. It should be noted that the source also mentions the arrival of remakes of Halo 2 and Halo 3 on PlayStation 5 with Microsoft preferring to publish the new games individually rather than launching the Halo The Master Chief Collection on PS5 with the aim of maximizing profits.

At the moment in any case there is nothing confirmed and therefore we just have to wait for confirmations or denials in this regard.