Fallout 76

We all remember the rocky beginnings of Fallout 76. On the table it had every chance of being a real success, taking the experience of the most successful true Fallout into the realm of massive multiplayer, building a whole new world for fans to experience. lost in it for even more hours than the originals. Things didn't go well, due to multiple bugs and lack of content, but again, it's another game that Microsoft has masterfully managed to overcome.

We do not know if we can say that it is a success, but what is certain is that the number of fans that inhabit its world has increased by 2.5 million since last year, a true milestone. According to Bethesda itself, which yesterday shared a summary article of Fallout 76 in 2022, the total number of players amounts to 13.5 million. We don't doubt that the huge expansion of The Pitt helped this increase, thanks to allowing us to return to the Pittsburgh of Fallout 3.

Over 127 million Nuka-Cola taken in Fallout 76

One of the most famous soft drinks in the video game, Nuka-Cola, has been precisely the protagonist of the latest addition: Nuka World Tour, which celebrates a new festival with attractions and of course three new public events. It was a matter of time before the game got what it wanted with its fans and it seems that the rate of updates and additions is optimal for the inhabitants of the new Appalachia.

Without a doubt, Bethesda and Microsoft have managed to maintain another permanent world and build a community based on work well done. And it is not the only game that has done it. Others like Sea of ​​Thieves started from a good base but with little content and now they are titles with success beyond any doubt.