
 Microsoft is a company that has always shown its clear intention to bring its video games to as many people as possible. We are not only referring to the possibility of playing on our Android device without having to have an Xbox nearby, for example, but also ensuring that their games can also be enjoyed by those people with a disability that prevents them from using a controller in a normal way ( hence the company launched its Xbox Adaptive Controller ).

Thanks to a new post on Xbox Wire , we know that Microsoft wants to go further, and that is why it has created a program aimed at developers that will help them to make their games as accessible as possible. This program is a continuation of a broader initiative launched in 2019 by Microsoft, which has been polishing and improving it thanks to the  feedback received.

For Microsoft, accessibility is a priority

Brannon Zahand, one of the company's key players when it comes to accessibility, explains in broad terms what this program consists of:

When issues are found, they are flagged with playback steps, screenshots, and other information to help the developer understand what aspect of a given experience may be challenging for certain players with disabilities.

Zahand himself explains that one of the most important parts of the program is the inclusion of players with disabilities in it, since they can identify problems in a faster and more direct way:

Perhaps the most important aspect of the program, however, is the inclusion of players with disabilities as part of the test project. Each test step includes members of the gaming and disability community, not only to run test cases against games, but also to provide their feedback and ideas.

This way of working at Microsoft seems like a success to us, and will make it easier for all those players with disabilities to enjoy their favorite video games without problems. 
