The DiRT franchise is not in a good mood. Fans of the Project Cars series are still recovering from the shock after the news of the cancellation of future projects by Electronic Arts, but the drastic decision of the publisher does not seem to be the only one in this regard. The same fate, in fact, would be on the horizon for the DiRT series, which according to some rumors would be ready to be closed permanently.

After Project Cars, goodbye also to DiRT

To bring the matter to light is an internal corporate email from Electronic Arts , still not officially confirmed. The same communication would suggest the evolution of DiRT Rally into a project called EA Sports Rally , but even in this case we remain in the field of assumptions. What is certain is EA's willingness to cut some costs, with the sacrifice of series considered less profitable, such as DiRT and Project Cars. “ Decisions like this are very difficult to make ,” said an EA spokesperson, “ but they allow us to focus attention on areas that we believe have more opportunities to create experiences that fans will love. "

The news was initially reported by the Insider Gaming site , the same that had spread the rumor of the cancellation of Project Cars. From the same source we learn that, for the moment, the Grid and WRC series should remain alive, in a sort of centralization of the racing game genre aimed at limiting user dispersion and increasing the sales performance of individual games. The DiRT 5 itself , in fact, had not enjoyed particular success after the launch at the end of 2020, while Project Cars 3 emphasized how it sold almost 90% less than its predessor.