Team Ninja

The Japanese studio Team Ninja is a classic of action video games, as demonstrated by the sagas in which they have worked, such as Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden or Nioh. However, the company seems to have in mind to explore other genres. In that sense, it has now become known that Team Ninja is interested in making an open world game , as recognized by the studio's director, Fumihiko Yasuda, in a recent talk given to the JPGames portal ( via GamingBolt), in the who explicitly asked him if there was a genre he wanted to explore as creative.

An open world video game would allow Team Ninja to continue betting on the Japanese action that has always characterized its works, while the science fiction approach would give the possibility of maintaining the playability, but would mean a radical change in the stories that the company usually counts. Meanwhile, the only official thing for now is that next June Team Ninja and Koei Tecmo will jointly launch Ninja Gaiden Master Collection , a compilation of the titles of the legendary action franchise that launched the company to stardom.

source / gamingbolt