Monster Hunter Rise

With over 1.3 million copies of Monter Hunter Rise sold in Japan alone at launch, the exclusive timeline for Nintendo Switch seems to have captured the hearts of the series' fans. With the first commercial results showing that approximately 4 million copies were sold in the first three days of availability on the market, Capcom is now reviewing the development milestones. Monster Hunter: Rise has sold over 5 million copies in its first week, according to the Japanese conglomerate.

As a result, the new title has a decidedly exciting launch, which seems to confirm the game's ability to completely collect the heavy legacy left by Monster Hunter: World and its subsequent expansion Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Monster Hunter: Rise, unlike its predecessor, will be available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch, with PC users able to immerse themselves in its universe over the next year. Capcom has already confirmed that the hunting game will be available on the website in the first months of 2022.

source / Capcom