Apex Legends

The game's new season will launch on May 4 with a new character, a new mode, a redesigned map, and new bow and arrows.The battle royale Apex Legends today released a new gameplay trailer for its new Legacy season, which will launch on May 4th, after reestablishing ties with the Titanfall universe.

New 3v3 team duel mode with this new gameplay trailer

As seen in the previous trailer, the game will go past battle royale and include a new mode called Arenas, which will feature 3v3 team duels. In addition to the loot available on the map, the battles can take place in rounds in which money will be used to purchase and upgrade weapons. The mode will debut with two specially crafted maps, as well as three others that are re-adapted segments of the game's current scenarios.

In addition, the latest legend Valkyrie was revealed, who will be a recon class character with air mobility and missile attack capabilities. The Bocek bow, on the other hand, will be a new weapon this season, available in both traditional and Arena modes, and shooting recoverable arrows.

Finally, the Olympus map, which was previously viewed as a pristine scientific installation in the sky, is undergoing changes. With the arrival of a ship, the stage will be invaded by branches and vines, giving it a more wild and destroyed look.