Watch Dogs Legion

Among the options that Ubisoft wants to implement in Watch Dogs Legion , we find its multiplayer mode. This mode will arrive as part of an update to the game, thus giving access to a new way to travel the streets of London in a different way. However, the development seems to be having some complications and, given those problems, Ubisoft reports that the multiplayer mode of Watch Dogs Legion suffers a delay in its PC version. 

However, the problems are not exclusive to these platforms, as they have communicated through Twitter , with the aim of notifying the development status of this game option that they want to send this year. It can be seen that they do not want to rush to implement the multiplayer mode of Watch Dogs Legion, in order to guarantee the quality of the product. 

The truth is, for now Ubisoft's plans for Watch Dogs Legion multiplayer  keep the launch date for March 23 . A launch from which PC would fall, remaining for Xbox, Playstation and Google Stadia consoles. The worst of all is that, due to this problem, the PC version is delayed without being able to qualify a date, forcing the community to be attentive to future development status updates. This is why it has been clarified that the multiplayer mode of Watch Dogs Legion suffers a delay in its PC version.

The problem they have found on PC is quite serious, as it points to a broad problem that affects a GPU model with which it conflicts and leads to crashing the game. However, we see that this problem also occurs in the case of Xbox consoles , although it is a less widespread problem and affects a specific game option. It is even reported that one of the options available in the game, text chat, suffers from a problem in the case of Playstation consoles. However, limiting this option seems that Sony consoles will be able to arrive in time and will solve the problem later.

In this way, Watch Dogs Legion wants to implement that long-awaited multiplayer mode this month. Problems have forced the PC version to be delayed, however, they have work on all platforms to correct other circumstances. With the new rumors that hint that Watch Dogs Legion could come to Xbox Game Pass , it could try to increase the number of users for the implementation of this game mode, resorting to Microsoft's subscription service.