
 When the movement begins, you have to take advantage of inertia. At Microsoft they seem to have taken it very seriously. And it is that, closing a week that has left us with the closing of the purchase of Bethesda, and a round table that augurs curious announcements for this summer , echoes of a possible Xbox event sound with game announcements before the end of the March . Redmond would be planning a presentation for Xbox Series X | S .

Possible Xbox event on March 23

Those of Redmond would have planned to take advantage of the time of the Bethesda purchase to bring more announcements . His next key date would be Tuesday, March 23 . According to Paul Thurrott , that day would be the turn to address news in the form of games and updates for consoles, or rather the ecosystem, Xbox. Something that aligns with recent statements by the company, which ensured that it had more games to announce for 2021 .

They are still rumors and information that is far from official, but the background of this user makes it clear that it is something to take into account. It is expected that the green house brings more announcements and joins the bandwagon of the presentations that Sony and Nintendo have already moved this 2021. In fact, they are already advancing even another event for the summer . There are plenty of Xbox Series X and S hand-held news to come. And we hope that there will also be a few pleasant surprises before the end of the month. In fact, this presentation would be followed by another dedicated to Windows.