Marvel's Avengers

A little over a week ago, we told you about the next update that Marvel's Avengers will receive. This update will be one of the largest that the title has had to date, since in addition to adding improvements for the new generation consoles , changes and adjustments will be made to its gameplay. Remember also, that a new character will arrive, Hawkeye.

Little by little, the Japanese developer, Square Enix, is implementing improvements for Marvel's Avengers, some more than necessary updates to try to attract more audiences and improve the in-game experience as much as possible.

You will no longer level  up  so  fast  in  Marvel’s Avengers

The developer has pointed out that, in general, the amount of XP obtained for each level is increased in an equitable way, as well as the necessary to go up; this is called the experience curve. However, this management is not getting on well, and it can be very overwhelming for new players, due to the amount of points and skills that you constantly gain. Therefore, from level 25 it will be much more difficult to level up, and this difficulty will increase until level 50, yes, this setting only affects the character's level and not power.

These new experience adjustments will not affect players who own characters of the current maximum level , although you will no longer be able to climb the characters faster if you have a high level one. All these adjustments will arrive this month, in the expected update on March 18.