Diablo 2

The magnitude of the announcement of the remastering of Diablo 2 has not yet come to an end and every day we learn more about this new production from Blizzard that is aimed directly at the hearts of the fans. After learning that Diablo 2 Resurrected will be able to revive old games, the general producer of the title, Chris Lena, referred in an interview with PCgamesN to the mods and how they will work in this new development.

After admitting that the game owed much to the large community of modders  who to this day work tirelessly to keep the classic game alive, the creative indicated the reasons why certain mods will not work in the new version planned to be released this year.

Diablo 2 Resurrected will lose some mods but make others easier

The good news is that mods will be easier to implement due to the way Diablo 2 Resurrected is programmed. As Lena explains:

We've changed a lot of things that were part of the code to data, so when modders want to make modifications to the data itself, things will be much easier to access.

We are still waiting for the official arrival date of Diablo 2 Resurrected, but the truth is that there is less than yesterday. For the moment, that is the only assurance I can give you regarding that.