Stardew Valley

 The success of Stardew Valley does not have to be limited only to the digital plane of video games, proof of this is the new board game based on the popular indie development that is already on sale for 55 dollars.

As if to sign the authenticity regarding its digital peer, the game is edited by Eric Barone, the (sole) developer of the video game, while the design itself is done by Cole Medeiros.

Stardew Valley expands its borders to hardware

In his blog , the developer highlights that the board game has almost all the elements of the video game: the mines are there, you can fish, harvest and even make friends with the inhabitants of the village. The visual aspect of the board was also an important point for Barone, who judging by the result, you can see the dedication in this regard.

The idea of ​​the game is not to reach the goal quickly or to acquire a certain profit in a short space of time, but during the games, players must collaborate to save the valley from the clutches of the evil Joja Corporation. Just like in the video game, here players must complete Grandpa's objectives, restore the community center with its respective requirements, and other missions.

The rules of the board are adjustable to even play alone, but the minimum game predicts an hour and a half of play at least in teams, something that can be very attractive for some people or a clearly exclusive factor for others.