PS5 has had a successful launch , especially if we consider that it could have sold much more than the current figures if the Japanese company had been able to satisfy the demand, something that both they and Microsoft have not been able to carry out due to the pandemic that since early 2020 has upset everyone's plans. In any case, and with an eye to a somewhat distant scenario, Sony already foresees how the PS5 will fare from mid-2021 to mid-2022 , with a message that can give hope to those who have not yet been done with your PS5.

Sony wants to distribute more than 14.8 million PS5

At the investor conference that Sony has held to collect the results of the third quarter of fiscal year 2020, several company executives have given explanations, highlighting one in which Sony foresees that the sales of PS5 will exceed those of PS4 in the second year of the console's life . As this manager has commented, they foresee that if they can satisfy the enormous demand of PS5 users, it would exceed the 14.8 million units sold that PS4 marked in its second year.

This forecast implies that from April 2021 to the end of March 2022 from Sony they want to sell (or distribute) more than 14.8 million PS5s . Currently the company is able to exceed its forecast for the first fiscal year, which spoke of 7.6 million units , so if it follows this rate it will surely succeed. Of course, to get it from the factories they will have to put the batteries to satisfy the enormous demand for PS5 that there is around the world.