It's always exciting to talk about a new Xbox release, right? Now it is the turn of PACER, a racing game with a futuristic style that has already made its debut on PC or PS4 and that very recently, information was given about the arrival of this title on Xbox One.

You know that it is not really a new announcement, R8 Games  the responsible studio had already announced Xbox One as a launch platform, but it was decided to take a little more time for Microsoft consoles. It is by means of a Tweet that the new launch date is indicated and that is that PACER will arrive on Xbox on the 11th of this month .

PACER has the DNA of games like WipeOut

The title of R8, as you can appreciate it from some of its videos or gameplays, takes great inspiration from games like WipeOut , it is a game where speed is key, it is essential to compete with our adversaries, in addition, enjoy great Visual performance as it will be optimized for Xbox One X and without specific improvements, but of course it can be enjoyed on Xbox Series X and S.

Without a doubt, one more title that can be a pleasant surprise. We recommend you keep an eye on Generation Xbox for more news.