
Google has abandoned plans to develop its own games for Stadia| The search giant had recruited veteran Jade Raymond (founder of Ubisoft Toronto) to head Google’s game development department, but has already had to let her go. That does not mean that Google will phase out Stadia. General Manager Phil Harrison wrote in a blog post that Google will continue to invest in its gaming platform.

“Making world-class games takes years and is a significant investment. The cost of doing that is going up exponentially, ”says Harrison. “We have decided not to invest further in exclusive games that Stadia Games and Entertainment (SG&E) would develop themselves. We will still finish the titles that were in the planning. We are now focusing on building on Stadia as a platform and our business relationships, ”explains the general manager.

Collaborate with large studios

Google opened its first Stadia studio in Montreal in 2019. Later that year, it acquired Typhoon Studios to join the team. In March last year, Google announced that it was setting up the studio in Los Angeles. Harrison says he will be able to deploy most of the workers elsewhere. SG&E has already released a few games exclusively on Stadia, including Orcs Must Die! 3, Outcasters and Submerges: Hidden Depths.

Harrisson says Google believes it is the right approach to work closely with other developers and publishers to bring third-party games to Stadia and strengthen its platform. Well-known studios such as Harmonix and Supermassive are working on exclusive titles for Stadia. In total there would be about 400 Stadia games in the pipeline.
