Riot keeps its promise to the forgotten champions, and these are the last ones left

At the beginning of last season the developer promised to launch skins for the less popular characters in the game and has been able to fully comply. However, there are still two champions to receive their cosmetics: Wukong and Rumble.

The thousand days club is less and less crowded. Under this name were grouped all the League of Legends champions who had not received a skin for such a long time However, Riot Games' promise to launch cosmetics for the less popular characters in the game has more than fulfilled and some of the characters who have been waiting the longest have seen the arrival of their new appearances last season.

The developer fully complied with the list it offered at the beginning of last Season 10 and promises to go ahead with its ambitious plans to launch more skins than ever during this year. Even so, he still has several pending subjects to banish once and for all the ignominious list that makes up the aforementioned club, in which currently only Rumble (1000 days) and Wukong (1008) are present, but which also Xin Zhao and Kayn get dangerously close .

The developer will shake off two heavy loads with the new cosmetics from Nautilus Shanghai and Shyvana Ruined . Both confirm an initial leak that seems destined to be fulfilled in the medium and long term, but that does not hold luck for the champions who have already been waiting a long time for their new League of Legends skin or those who are dangerously close to a thousand days without receiving a new look in the game.

Rumble will have it somewhat more complicated than the rest of the champions
Rumble will have it somewhat more complicated than the rest of the champions

Hopefully, since the developer has put to work to solve this problem, it will just complete the list with future skins for the champions mentioned. Many of them would fit into several thematic lines, although perhaps the case of Rumble is somewhat more difficult to tackle as he is a quite particular and practically unique champion in League of Legends.