Destiny 2: Lightfall

Destiny 2: Lightfall , Bungie's latest major video game expansion, will be available today. Preload sizes on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC have been shared by The Verge's Tom Warren, if only to confirm the sheer amount of data required.

In fact, Lightfall has a requirement of around 92GB on Sony consoles, 107GB on Microsoft consoles and 86GB on PC. A weight that has not left some users indifferent, impressed by the large size of the update. If you don't have a very fast connection and you have pre-ordered the game you may be interested in starting the download to save time.

We remind you that Destiny 2: Lightfall includes a campaign in a city of Neptune under siege, complete with new rewards and new powers of Darkness. Also featured is Eclipse mode, as well as a new raid and Season Pass for Season 20.

Lightfall also introduces the Darkweave subclass, which allows for rapid movement by grappling between buildings. Finally, the new metropolis Nettuno offers unprecedented opportunities for meeting and discovery.