Mass Effect

Many of us were excited about the return of Mass Effect , it is true that it is not a new game that by the way is already in development , but let's be honest, what better way to return to Mass Effect than with remastering in form from the original trilogy.

There is not much to say about the Lengedary Edition , a compilation that brings together the original trilogy with graphical and playable improvements for the times, but there is one more news and perhaps the best. Through Twitter is that Mac Walters who is director of this project has announced that the collection is finally in the "Gold" stage .

What does it mean for Mass Effect: Legendary Edition to enter the gold stage?

It means that in theory the project has “finished” its main development and is ready to start the distribution process, which also means that it will no longer suffer from delays. The truth is that in the middle of 2021 it is difficult for a game to finish its development and now, now the team will be able to concentrate on polishing the experience to offer some updates and who knows, maybe dedicate themselves fully to the new Mass Effect.