
The new generation of consoles has been fighting for some months now and we can clearly see it in some games that have been adapted to take advantage of the new hardware such as Gears 5, or with new generation titles such as The Medium.

In addition to everything we have seen these months, many other old titles that have been on the market for a long time are preparing to reach these new consoles, Overwatch being one of the last to receive the update.

Overwatch performs beautifully on Xbox Series X / S

This update was revealed a couple of days ago, announcing that the Blizzard title was ready for the new consoles and that from now on it included modes up to 120 fps, one of the most striking aspects of the new generation.

Today we bring a new video published on YouTube in which we can clearly see how the new Xbox Series suits Overwatch, in addition to comparing it with the Xbox One X version, which until last year was the most powerful console on the market . Although we do not see a comparison of the 120 fps here, we can clearly see how the title makes use of a magnificent performance in all the consoles, keeping the 60 frames per second very solid and practically without drops.