The Medium

If there is something that I am loving about the whole theme of The Medium, it is that despite the modest notes and the continuous 'hate' of those who are not going to play it, the game is a success . You just have to go around Twitter to read users how they enjoy Marianne's experience. 

Although there are those who predicted a failure of the game, the reality seems quite different. And it is that The Medium seems to have already recovered all the initial investment necessary to start the project.

The Medium is a success

The Polish studio has worked hard to make their game on everyone's lips. Beyond the quality of the game there is a job behind the marketing necessary for the proposal to reach the ears of all possible players . To this must be added the development costs; being the most ambitious game of Bloober Team it is easy to imagine that cheap has not come out.

As I said, The Medium has already managed to win its first battle , that of being profitable. In just one day the proposal has raised enough to cover development and advertising costs.

The Board of Directors of Bloober Team SA with registered office in Krakow (hereinafter referred to as "Issuer") makes public that, according to the Issuer's estimates, the sale of the game "The Medium" (hereinafter, "The Game") has reached a level that encompasses the production and marketing costs of the Game.

The fact that the game is on Xbox Game Pass at launch seems to have been a signal that has driven word of mouth from gamers.