Soccer continues to be the king of Europe and a good part of the world, both when it comes to its practice and in the world of video games as with FIFA 21.

 The Electronic Arts simulator remains intractable in the old continent in the market of videogames, since it went on sale at the end of last September the game has managed to be the best-selling game in Europe in the last 3 months of the year.

In 2020 FIFA 21 has had no rival, Konami took a break with the Pro Evolution saga and did not launch a new numbered installment, something that made FIFA 21 become the only game for the current football season.

FIFA 21 intractable in Europe

The GFK report also reveals that since 2017 the FIFA saga continues to be the best-selling game in Europe year after year. Spain, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Belgium and the Czech Republic are the countries in which FIFA 21 has prevailed above the rest.

GFK has also reported that the two best-selling games during 2020 have been Grand Theft Auto V and the fireproof, Minecraft.

FIFA 21 received a new update this week, you can find out all the details through the following link .