Among Us

Among Us has been one of the great revelations of 2020. Launched in 2018, its success has reached such heights that it has crept into the Game Awards to announce its new map , at the same time that its developers canceled the sequel to fully focus on improve it. However, with such success, why does it take so long to get updates to improve it? InnerSloth wanted to be totally transparent, and explain it.

InnerSloth explains the reason for the delay with the Among Us patches

In an extensive post in which they reveal everything that is coming to the game, including the version of Switch released in December , the team has emphasized the obvious: they were not expecting the boom of the game at all . "Among Us gained incredible traction at the end of 2020 that we did not expect," they stress, "and that meant a lot of changes for us . "

"We had to spend 2 months just restructuring, figuring out new processes and getting new external partners to help us . The team started as 3 people, but the changes and the increase in users have led them to have different companies to work on ports and on the advancement of the title. "It's all work behind the scenes and, although it takes time to play, it will make it easier for our present and future selves to develop the game better . They have had to devote all their resources to reorganizing and fine-tuning their methodology, and once they are established, they will be able to increase the rate of updates and content. As they have advanced with their plans for the future .