Although it is not always effective, every time we find more players using this crappy maneuver to easily score goals in FIFA 21.

It is almost older than football itself, that FIFA players use the odd trick to score goals. They take advantage of programming blunders and constantly resort to plays to score. A very sad and unethical way to enjoy a network multiplayer game. But, there are people for everything and it is frustrating many players.

We see it in the video that we leave you below, from the Reddit forums The user in question takes advantage of the option of giving high touches with the ball to make it more difficult to steal it. There are those who do it right out of the center. And so constantly, turning something funny into a real ordeal.

People who need to rely on this glitch crap are so pathetic lol. He still lost the game tho but it was his only way to score from r/Fifa21


 As you can see, it is a very shabby way to score a goal. But it is not indefensible either, as they tell you in the comments. Some users point out that, to avoid this ruse, it is best to defend through the player's career, not looking for the ball directly. If a load is made at that moment, it will be easier to recover the leather to remove the desire to do the trick and play in conditions, as ordered.