Tokyo Game Show 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic was chaotic for the entire world in 2020 and this 2021 does not seem to be much better. The video game industry, like almost all the others, was severely affected by the global panorama and this was not only reflected in the countless number of delays suffered by various titles but also in the change of modality of various events, such as the case of the Tokyo Game Show .

The 2021 edition of the Japanese event will repeat last year's online format , as confirmed by the organizers CESA (Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association), Nikkei and Dentsu. The now classic gathering of oriental videogames will take place on September 30 of the current and will take place for four days that can be followed through YouTube.

A Tokyo Game Show in English

For those not versed in Japanese, the event will feature simultaneous English interpretation for all presentations. Unlike what happened last year, the press will have a face-to-face event. However, everything seems to indicate that due to the level of alert that the Asian country maintains to prevent a progression in the contagion of the infamous Covid-19, only the host country's media could participate in the press conference.