Persona 5

 Microsoft seems to have big plans for Xbox Game Pass, and one of them would be that Persona 5 would go straight to Xbox Game Pass . We had already written about the rumor that started with Jezz Corden about the long-awaited arrival of the Persona series on Xbox. But now there are new rumors that the game would go directly to Microsoft's flagship service. The person in charge of this rumor was the same one who leaked that Shin Megami 3 HD would come to PC.

The Xbox Game Pass is what the Xbox vision stands for today, and this month Microsoft has really gone on the offensive , adding not just Bethesda titles, but also registering new Outriders games and cult classics like Octopath Traveler and Undertale. Where previously weeks or months could pass between major new additions to the service, it is now reduced to just days, with a new rumor suggesting that Persona 5 would be coming straight to Xbox Game Pass.

Persona 5 would come directly to Xbox Game Pass

With Octopath Traveler, Yakuza 6, and others, it certainly seems like Microsoft is making up for the lack of Japanese games in its catalog very well , and certainly if it's true that Persona 5 would come straight to Xbox Game Pass, it would be a great way to address that problem . That's if the rumor is true, of course, but in addition to this new rumor, both Windows Central journalist Jez Corden and Xbox Era's Shpeshal Ed have been giving some unsubtle hints that the game is on its way to Xbox.

The version of Persona 5 that would come to Xbox Game Pass would be the Royal according to this leaker. But of course, having hit a leak does not make you an authority. So everything could be nothing more than an illusion of fans who hope to see the game finally on Xbox. So far the mainline games have always been exclusive to PlayStation and it is unclear exactly what kind of agreement may have been signed with Sony.