map of Resident Evil Village

Attention, if you want to get to Resident Evil Village without knowing anything about the game, we recommend that you do not continue reading , since what would be the complete Resident Evil Village map has been leaked . The leak was born from the collector's edition of the game, which has this map and which some users have been able to access to obtain some new images. The image below shows the complete map, where we can see the locations present in Resident Evil Village.

Map of Resident Evil Village

Resident Evil Village will take us to a village in eastern Europe where witches, vampires and other supernatural entities will put all kinds of obstacles to Ethan in his goal of recovering his son. The map obtained by Reddit users shows us different locations present in the Resident Evil Village mapping , which differentiates Lady Dimitrescu's castle from other places in the town such as the Heisenberg factory (one of the mysterious men who appeared in recent trailers. ), we also find the Beneviento house, a mill near Lady Dimitrescu's castle and finally a swampy area called Moreau Reservoir, which may remind us of a certain phase of Resident Evil VII.

Resident Evil Village is one of the most anticipated games of the first half of 2021. Capcom's new game will arrive on May 7 on PS5, Xbox Series X and PC , with a next-generation installment planned for later.