
Actually, we are no longer very surprised to hear these types of announcements, Fortnite is that game that EVERYONE wants to be in and it is normal, its success is still extremely enormous, for example, even the Master Chief of Halo has already joined .

Through an even a bit nostalgic trailer in which a classic combat between Ryu and Chun-Li is seen that is interrupted to give the official news that the iconic fighters of the fighting franchise are joining Epic's battle royale. I leave you with the video below.

Street Fighter x Fortnite

The well-known fighters of the Capcom franchise arrive as usual as skins for the game, skins that by the way you can obtain from the 21st of this month , that is, in reality to nothing.

The collaboration also becomes a bit emblematic, because although we have seen almost everything in Fortnite such as Predator to Terminator, Marvel, Star Wars and now this, this could be the first collaboration with a publisher or video game company from Japan For the successful Fortnite, who knows, this opens the doors to at some point see other franchises at least from Capcom like Resident Evil. We recommend keeping an eye on Generation Xbox for more news.